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The next regular Board of Directors meeting has not been established by the current new board. Tentatively plan for the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. at NC Machinery.




Winter Is Whispering Around the Corner

Several of these web pages have been updated early in October of 2008.  There are a lot more to go.

The Annual Members meeting was held on Saturday September 27, 2008 with very predicatable results.  Attendance was a paultry 28 or so members.  President Bill Thompson didn't prepare an agenda, and it showed.

Ken Whitmire, the everlong Secretary, didn't surprise the members this year.  He did tell one member asking questions about several issues to finally "Shut Up."  Oddly, he wasn't that way at the last two meetings of late 2007 and early 2008 when we had a good board going.

No amendments were proposed for voting on although a new one was offered the board for consideration for next year requiring members to vote on any increased regular assessments or issuing a special assessment.

As expected, the roads were not fully graded this, not by a long shot.  Most of the gravel was graded off the top and either off the side (making the road bed even wider) or  in a neat line of gravel along the ditches (where they exist.)  Of course if we had any rain the water wouldn't have been able to get to those ditches.

On a related topic the board did NOT provide the members with a map to precicely show where all the "association roads" were.  For years we've been told they're all graded or they're all in great conditon, only thing is they've never told anyone where all "they" are!  At least the board of 2007-March 2008 did the foot work to make creating that map easier. (all the parcels within Phase II were listed and an outline map created)  Both were then recorded with the county.  So - where's the map folks???  Stay tuned on this.

Ken Whitmire threw everyone another curve ball when he mailed copies of Articles of Incorporation and By Laws to every member.  Noble effort, one he didn't thank Don Krebs for when Don asked that Ken send everyone the single LEGAL version of both.  Unfortunately the versions he sent were never recorded with the state as required at the time and differ from the versions that many members have at home.  The story isn't finished on this either.

I handed out a letter containing 20 predictions before the meeting started.   15 (75%) turned out true or came to pass.  2 were false (10%) and 3 were not brought up or discussed (15%)

Oh - about the lawsuit that's waiting to be filed - the board didn't inform the members, didn't ask questions about how we felt, nor did the board make any predictions.  The attorneys have stated the past year or more that the lawsuit would be lost if it went to court.  So lets see what happens now.  Reminds everyone of the last huge lawsuit the association lost because (Ken Whitmire) amongst others didn't do the right thing when the opportunity was there.....  More developing!

I don't have the contact info page fully updated. You'll need to contact the board through the postal box for the most part.  They haven't communicated with anyone since last March.  Unless someone considers the Norman St John taboloid full of opinions splashed with truth here and there to be considered communicatins.  Besides, the colorful taboloid wasn't an 'official' publication of our association.  Brigs us back to the fact that the board hasn't communicated with the members at all compared to late 2006 - March 2008.

Nuff for now.  More coming.

P.S.  The snow contractor we set up the past two years doesn't want to do business with the association any longer.....


Richard Kantak
Member - Past President 2006-08
Yakima Ranches Owners Association Phase II